My final blog entry was all written (see below), but then I heard from Julie Rathbun, the UAN volunteer at the Mississippi deployment who arranged with HSUS for the Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF) in her home city of Mobile, Alabama to take custody of two expectant mothers. Julie then drove both dogs to Mobile.
As previously reported, Mama Blondie had to be euthanized because of her medical condition. A few minutes ago, I heard from Julie about the other expectant mother, who has been named Harmony.
Julie reports, “Harmony has given birth to seven seemingly healthy puppies, along with three stillbirths. Her foster mom began giving her holistic care upon her arrival, as well as veterinary care. Harmony is regaining some strength and is nursing the puppies.”

And now for the highlight of this blog post – two photos of Mama Harmony and her babies!
Great going, Mama Harmony, and great going, Julie!!! Julie, you gave Harmony her new life! What a feeling that must be after the misery she was living in until we rescued her. Good thing we don’t deal in “what ifs” – my heart would break if I thought about what might have happened to these dogs and puppies if there has been no rescue in Kemper County, Mississippi.

Now, here’s the final blog looking back at my seven days with UAN in Mississippi:
For seven days this month, I was privileged to serve in the newly created position of "Volunteer Communications Assistant" at the UAN deployment in Mississippi. UAN created these positions at just the same time the Mississippi deployment was announced, and since I volunteered for Mississippi, I became the test pilot for this new approach in reporting from the deployment site.
The responsibilities of the Volunteer Communications Assistant are to spend about half of each day writing a daily blog and taking lots of photographs. Previously, this work was done by the staff person or volunteer in charge of the deployment, but given the hectic workload of those folks, there were hardly enough hours in the day for them to do the communications work as well.
It’s been so rewarding to write the daily blog and take photographs, calling attention to the work that UAN does and highlighting the wonderful dogs who lived in such desperate circumstances and the equally wonderful volunteers who are dedicated to giving these dogs a bright future.
In this, my final posting for the Mississippi deployment, I’m focusing on a few highlights.

I suppose the opposite of highlights are lowlights, and we had one of those – the emergency shelter was a former meat packing plant; the owner had cleaned it but left the equipment in place. With my urban upbringing, I didn’t recognize most of the equipment, but volunteers who had been raised on farms or who had farmers in their families pointed out how certain equipment was used, and it made my stomach turn. As Janell Matthies put it, though, we changed the karma of the place by converting it into a life-sustaining shelter.

During the deployment and since arriving home, I’ve read the comments on the blog and UAN’s Facebook page. Many of the people who read this blog are UAN volunteers, and I know you’re all nodding when I say that UAN is a terrific organization, and I’m proud to be a UAN volunteer. UAN shelters are so well run and always with the proper care of animals as the top priority. Any concerns expressed by volunteers are addressed right way, with action taken as needed or responses given to our questions. The staff shows respect for the volunteers. We feel valued.
Most of all, when animals come into UAN’s care, they go from desperate lives to hopeful futures. Thank you, everyone who is part of UAN. Until the next time we meet . . . .