The 371 dogs rescued from a puppy mill in Kennewick, Washington are now en route to new and better lives! Over the weekend the dogs were transferred to other animal shelters and rescue groups in the Pacific Northwest, where they will be placed in foster care and adopted into new homes.

UAN Emergency Services Manager Janell Matthies reported that the dogs are not nearly as fearful and withdrawn as they were when they first arrived at the temporary shelter a few days ago. Under the volunteers' care, they are learning to trust people.

"Many are approaching the front of the cage, looking for attention, and they’re eating, drinking and napping," she said. "They have begun to show interest in us rather than hiding their heads in the corner of their kennels. There are many more waggin tails today than yesterday."
The following shelters have started accepting dogs:
Spokane Humane Society
Spokane County Regional Animal Protection (SCRAPS)
SpokAnimal Care
Blue Mountain Humane Society (Walla Walla)
Humane Society for Seattle-King County (Bellevue)
Multnomah County Animal Control
American Eskimo Heart Bandits
Oregon Humane Society (Portland)
Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) (Lynnwood)